Grade & Sections Seori 1: Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer in the following question about different Text-type according to purpose and features. 1. A Text-type that focuses on listing facts, characteristic or features and using signal words include to begin with, in fact, for example, also, next finally ete. a. Classification e. Time order b. Enumeration d. Explanation 2. The present ideas according to the time which they occurred, signal words are first, after, while, during, next, finally etc. a. Classification c. Time order b. Enumeration d. Explanation 3. A kind of text which definition is a grouping of people or things in a systematic way which start with main idea, using the rest of the paragraph to explain the series of secondary ideas. a. Classification c. Time order b. Enumeration d. Explanation a non-fiction text which describes how or why things happen, it includes how something occur, why something happened and why things are alike or different. Classification c. Time order b. Enumeration d. Explanation 5. There are four (4) Text-type according to purpose and features, namely: Classification, Enumeration, Explanation and a. Identification c. Selection b. Definition d. Time order a.