Sagot :
1. Waste materials should be properly disposed of in a sealed waste bin with a polythene bag. In a well-ventilated area, the bin should be sanitized with disinfectant on a regular basis.
yes proper disposal of garbage should b practice always. not only for your safety but for you and others health n dn. always wear a gloves for your safety
2. Before each client's use, finger bowls must be sanitized.
The following guidelines outline generally accepted step-by-step procedures for cleaning (sanitizing) and disinfecting all types of equipment used during manicuring and enhancement services including items such as manicuring bowls, pushers, nippers, clippers, abrasive files and buffers.
In the salon, all tools, implements, devices or other pieces of equipment must be properly cleaned and disinfected before coming into direct contact with a client, as required by the licensing rules and regulations of your region, state or country. Use this information as a guide only; refer to your state board for specific rules and regulations.