Learning Task 1: Directions. Read each passage carefully about animals and identify the type oftext. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. 1. Animals have been human's closest companions for a very long time. We have depended on them for food labor and security. Every animal needs to betaken good care of, given food, shelter and veterinary care, this way humansshow commitment towards animals. If you treat them with love and compassion, they will also do the same towards us. A. CLASSIFICATION B. ENUMERATION C. EXPLANATION D. TIME ORDER 2. Animals like dogs have often been used for security purposes. They remainfaithful to the owner if they are well taken care of. In some instances, these animals have rescued babies dumped in dustbins, detected bombs, andeven alert us when strangers approach our compounds at night. Here are some of the best guard dog breeds: German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Dobermann, Chow Chow, Tibettan Mastiff and Bull Mastiff. A. CLASSIFICATION C. EXPLANATION B. ENUMERATION D. TIME ORDER 3. The five most well-known vertebrates (animals with backbones) are mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians. They are all part of the phylumchordata, animals with spinal cord. There are also a lot of animals withoutbackbones. These are called invertebrates and are part of the phylumarthropoda (arthropods). A. CLASSIFICATION C. EXPLANATION B. ENUMERATION D. TIME ORDER 4. In 2009, Philippine researchers were close to creating the world's first water buffalo clone to help the Filipino farmers and to lower the country's dependency on imported dairy products. It was a project attempted by the