
a. a. a. Grade and Section: Date: Score: TESTI. Wilte the letter of your choice on the space provided before each number. 1. Branch of physics which deals with the study of light. a. Acoustics b. Mechanics c. Optics d. Thermodynamics 2. The speed of light in a vacuum is equivalent to _ a. 3.0 x 108m/s C. 10.0 x 108m/s b. 1.2 x 108m/s d. 4.5 x 10®m/s 3. Light from the sun takes about to reach the earth. 3 minutes b. 8 minutes b. 8 hours d. 16 hours 4. It is the only visible member of the electromagnetic spectrum. a. Infrared b. Ultraviolet C. Light d. X-ray 5. Which among the colour of light has the highest frequency? Red b. Orange c. Yellow d. Violet 6. Which among the colour of light has the lowest frequency? Green b. Orange C. Violet d. Red 7. Objects that emit or send off their own light. a. Illuminated b. Non luminous Translucent d. Luminous 8. It refers to the amount of the light power emanating from a point source within a solid angle of one steradian. a. Luminance Luminous Intensity b. Luminescence d. Luminosity 9. Materials that block the passage of light. a. Transparent b. Translucent c. Opaque d. Shadow 10. Materials that allow the light to pass through. a. Transparent b. Translucent Opaque d. Shadow 11. Materials that allow only some amount of light to pass through. a. Transparent b. Translucent C. Opaque d. Violet 12. Light travels in what direction? a. Straight b. Circular C. Curve d. Transverse 13. All of the following are primary colors of light except one. Which one is it? a. Red b. Blue c. Green d. Yellow 14. It is the combination of the three primary colors of light. a. Black b. Grey C. White d. Indigo 15. It is the result of dispersion of colors of the white light. a. Rainbow b. Shadow iviirage C. C. C. TESTI Identify the followin C. Nice​