PERMEJOJHONLERYIN PERMEJOJHONLERYIN Art Answered Direction: Write TRUE or FALSE. 1. The absence of color or black and white images can add a dramatic impact to photos. 2. Line is a one-dimensional representation of an object. 3. Elements and principles are not useful in photography. 4. In line, the longer the length, the greater the visual importance. 5. Contrast is the important part of the photo that pulls the viewer's eye. 6. Black and white photography is also known as homo or homochromatic. 7. Geometric shapes are found in organic shapes while human-made objects are in nature. 8. Shapes represents objects in a two-dimensional plane, and they are used in photography to create a sense of space and substance. 9. Clever use of lines in an image can seize your viewer's attention. 10. Whichever type of camera you used, mastery of technical knowledge of the camera is needed.