
Meaning of the sign:___________________________________

What is expected of the speed of the car approaching this sign? __________________________________

What happens if the driver does not follow this sign?________________________________________

Yung nasa picture po

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Nonsense report?!! ​

Meaning Of The Sign What Is Expected Of The Speed Of The Car Approaching This Sign What Happens If The Driver Does Not Follow This SignYung Nasa Picture Po Hel class=

Sagot :


1.)The meaning of sign is a motion or gesture by which a thought is expressed or a command or wish made known.

2.)A driver must not drive a vehicle on a highway at a speed that is greater than is reasonable and..

3.)In urgent or emergency situation when it is not safe or possible to stop or park a mission vehicle,drivers must..


carry on learning


"40 speed limit sign"

Speed limit is a limit or cap to the speed you should be traveling through a certain area or on that specific section of the road.

● What is expected of the speed of the car approaching this sign?

→The speed of the vehicle shall not exceed 40 km/h.

● What happens if the driver does not follow this sign?

→Here is the possible outcomes of either situation:

Faster than the limit

-Driver gets to their destination sooner

-Driver possibly gets fined by police

-Driver may have an accident

-Driver uses more fuel

-Driver creates more wear and tear on car

Slower than the limit

-Gets to their destination later

-Depending on how slow they are under the limit they may get fined

-Driver saves on fuel economy

-Driver saves in wear and tear

-Driver may become involved in road rage incident

I Hope It Helps...