Sagot :
File Menu
Here you will find the basic commands such as open, save, print, etc.
Quick Access Toolbar:
The place to keep the items that you not only need to access quickly, but want to be immediately
available regardless of which of the Ribbon's tabs you're working on. If you put so many items on
the Quick Access Toolbar that it becomes too big to fit on the title bar, you can move it onto its own
Formula Bar:
A place where you can enter or view formulas or text.
Expand Formula Bar Button:
This button allows you to expand the formula bar. This is helpful when you have either a long
formula or large piece of text in a cell.
Worksheet Navigation Tabs:
By default, every workbook has 3 sheets. You are able to navigate the sheets by clicking on the
sheet tab.
Insert Worksheet Button:
Click the Insert New Worksheet button to insert a new worksheet in your workbook.
Normal View:
This is the “normal view” for working on a spreadsheet in Excel.
Page Layout View:
View the document as it will appear on the printed page.
Page Break Preview:
View a preview of where pages will break when the document is printed.
Zoom Level:
Allows you to quickly zoom in or zoom out of the worksheet.
Horizontal/Vertical Scroll:
Allows you to scroll vertically/horizontally in the worksheet.