1. If the are 12 teams in a basketball tournament and each team must play every other team in the eliminations, how many eliminations games will there be? A. 65 B. 66 C. 67 D. 68
2. If there are 7 distinct points on a plane with no plane no three of which are collinear, how many different polygons can be possibly formed?
A. 100 B. 99 C. 98 D. 97
3. In a gathering the host makes sure that each guest shakes hands with everyone else. If there are 25guests, how many handshakes will be done?
A. 100 B. 200 C. 300 D. 400
4. In a 10-item Mathematics problem-solving test, how many ways can you select 5 problems to solve?
A. 252 B.242 C.152 D.142
5. In problem number 4, how many ways can you select the 5 questions if you are required to answer question number 10?
A. 116 B. 226 C. 216 D. 126