
What is the importance of resurrection in our lives? What is the dying or rising that
you experienced last year? Explain your answer.

Sagot :


Without the resurrection, Jesus’ death would go without divine interpretation and endorsement. The resurrection amounts to the Father’s clear signal that Jesus is the powerful Son of God who has conquered death and reigns as Lord of all (Romans 1:4; 4:25). The resurrection demonstrates that Jesus’ “blood of the new covenant” saves His people from their sins. Apart from the resurrection, there would be no reason for the cup of memorial at the Lord’s Table because there would be no reason to anticipate the cup of new wine in the Father’s Kingdom (Matthew 26:28).

Without the resurrection, none of Jesus’ promises would be trustworthy. If Jesus did not rise from the dead after promising many times that He would do so (Matthew 12:40; 16:21; 17:9, 23, 20:19; 26:32), He should be pitied or scorned, not believed and obeyed (cf. 1 Corinthians 15:16-19). As C. S. Lewis said in “Mere Christianity,” He would have been deceived or a deceiver. But His most amazing promise has come true, so how can we not depend on and live by all the rest of His promises?


Without the resurrection, there would be no apostolic foundation for the church (Matthew 16:18). Jesus’ resurrection turned scattered deserters back into faithful followers (Matthew 26:31-32). The astonishing-yet-true news brought to them by the two women who first discovered the empty tomb and later by the risen Lord Jesus Himself brought the scattered disciples back into the fold and emboldened them for witness (Matthew 28:7, 10, 16-20). That same resurrection message is still powerful to transform doubters into disciples today