
enumeration, sequence, classification, and explanation meaning

(nakalimutan ko kase meaning)​

Sagot :


An enumeration is a complete, ordered listing of all the items in a collection. The term is commonly used in mathematics and computer science to refer to a listing of all of the elements of a set. The precise requirements for an enumeration depend on the discipline of study and the context of a given problem.


The following of one thing after another; succession. order of succession: a list of books in alphabetical sequence. a continuous or connected series: a sonnet sequence. something that follows; a subsequent event; result; consequence.


The action or process of classifying something according to shared qualities or characteristics.


The act or process of explaining. something that explains; a statement made to clarify something and make it understandable; exposition: an explanation of a poem. a meaning or interpretation: to find an explanation for a mystery.

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