
I was an engineer in the new tech center '95-'97. I setup a lot of it. I worked 7 months in Toledo while training before we made the big move to Goldsboro. Lived in a hotel the entire time. Got to meet Benny Parsons while in Toledo when he visited the Tech Center. He was a super nice guy. Four of us were fresh out of college. We had a blast. I remember experimenting with a new onboard dyno module on a Typhoon (turbo awd blazer) and a Cobra mustang. I remember when I was ready to test the Typhoon, everyone wanted a ride. We had every seat filled. Jim Gerber(plant manager?) then came up and wanted a ride also. He actually jumped in the hatch area. I pulled out onto Dixie Trail, hollered "hang on" and punched the throttle. I looked in the rear view mirror and Jim was plastered against the rear hatch window. Thought I killed the plant manager for a moment LOL. I won't mention the guy's name who would moon the other guys in the shop from the windows that overlooked the shop area. I have more stories that I may tell later. If you know Dan Jones, he can tell you more I'm sure. I'll never forget the day of the big company wide meeting when the president said the company couldn't afford the lay anyone off but couldn't afford our pay either so they gave everyone a 10% pay cut. I remember at least three of us immediately going back to our desk and updating our resumes. Another engineer and I had new jobs about a month later. Had a great time and made a lot of friends during my short time at AP. I still have a few of the AP contingency decals that were NASCAR cars.

Sagot :

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