TASK 2 Find out how can we detect biases, Read the steps, and analyze the example, then Answer the questions that follow. Steps in Recognizing Blas from a Text: A Look for loaded words and phrases Reading for pleasure is a waste of time. People who spend hours on reading don't get to live in the real world. They don't really learn anything that is useful about dealing with everyday people and problems. Plus, teachers always make us read texts that are boring 1. What is the author's bias on the topic? For or against? 2. What is the author's claim? B Watch out for stereotype.. Women are better than men in so many ways. Whether at home or at work Women always excel In fact, there is almost nothing that a woman cannot do better than men. 3. On what stereotype does the author show bias? 4: What is the author's bias on the topic? 5. Is it FOR or AGAINST? C. Notice unclear language or generalization Online learning is the best mode of education in the new normal Learners who have gadgets with internet access learn better than learners who only use modules. The internet is expensive though. 6 Which does the author prefer, online learning, or modular learning? 7. Did the author show an unclear generalization? 8. Identify the author's bias? Is it for or against? D. Be on the outlook for one-sided argument Many Filipinos disagree with DepEd, Secretary Briones on the opening of classes on October 5 this year. They claim that the lives of everyone will be placed at risk once classes resume Because of the threat of the GOVID-19 virus, many people are protesting to further postpone the opening of classes 9. Did the author present a one-sided argument? 10 What is the author's bias? Is it for or against? E Determine whether the author present a fact or an opinion Most parents tell their children that engaging in romantic relationships can ruin their studies, As for me, based on my experience, being in a relationship provides inspiration to graduate The feeling of excitement, love, and motivation, make me believe that it is okay to be in relationship while studying
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