Directions: Below are some lines taken from the Soul of Great Bell. Find out the word the connect the thought found in the paragraph from the story, Choose the letter only. a. And still e. but when i. but b. but in spit of f. a second time j. then c. But when g. now d. Therefore h. at last K. SO 21. the worthy mandarin Kouan-Yu assembled the master-moulders and the renowned bellsmiths of the empire, and all men of great repute and cunning in foundry work... 22. the metal had been cast, and the earthen mould separated from the glowing casting,... 23. the bell was cast, and the result was even worse. 24. Kouan-Yu had a daughter of dazzling loveliness whose name-Ko-Ngai-... 25. came the awful day when the third and last effort to cast the great bell was to be made; 26. ere ever he lifted his finger, a cry caused him to turn his head and all heard the voice of Ko-Ngai the father of Ko-Ngai, wild with his grief, would have leaped in after her, but that strong men held him back 28. all these things, the command of the Celestial and August had to be obeyed, and the work of the moulders to be finished 29, when the people hear that great golden moan they keep silence, but... 30. the ponderous casting was made; and lo! when the metal had become cool, it was found that the bell was beautiful to look upon and perfect in form, and wonderful in colour above all other bells. 21.