PRINCESSVILLASTIQUE0IN PRINCESSVILLASTIQUE0IN Health Answered ACTIVITY OKAY STEPS! Directions Below is for aferent cong means peine der As a responsible et individualis your duty to different who goed for you and which is not on the spaces provided for each one check mark (√) if they presented is GOOD or BAD.!STATEGY1 Drug or alcohol use2 Exercise 3. Talking to wore about your problem4. Overeating5. healthy eating6. procrastinating7. doing relaxition techniques (deep-breating exercises)8. Seeking professional help9. sleeping to much or too little10. social withdrawal11. On mobile games 24/712. self-harm13. Aggression14. Using problem-solving techniques15. excessive use of social media16. excessive crying 24/717. Crying18. Listening to music19. Making ART projects like painting, etc.20. Traveling