
On this age of technology, sources of information include both print and non-print materials. You have the choice which to use, so you should know how these materials are different from each other. Print materials refer to all paper publications in printed form. Examples of these are published books, journals, magazines, newspapers, dictionaries and encyclopedias – all these, you can hold and grab. You can scan through their pages and read the contents conveniently. It is said that they are reliable and affordable for most people who value these resources. On the other hand, nonprint materials are those that have special formats. The information they give can only be accessed or reached by using machines or digital equipment like computers, tablets and cellular phones. Examples of these materials are e-books, e-journals, e-photographs, compact discs, records, slides, videos and films. These can relay information faster. Now, the choice is yours.
1. What is the main idea of the article?
2. What are the two sources of technology to gather information?

3. How do these two sources differ from each other?


4. Write the best summary you can for the article above.


