Assessment/Application/Outputs (Please refer to DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2020) Multiple Choice Direction: Read each statement carefully and write the letter of your choice on the space provided before each number. 1. Are products of technology found at home that uses electricity to function? a. Electronic devices b. Electrical gadgets C. Simple Machines d. All of the above 2. What do you call the small device that is used to control the flow of electricity on certain electrical gadgets? a. Plug b. Ignition key c. Switch d. Voltage Regulator 3. Which of the following electrical tools is useful in cutting or bending wires? a. Screw driver b. Monkey wrench c. Pliers d. Clamp 4. Which of the following materials provide energy to portable simple electrical gadgets like ashlight, clock and many others gadgets at home? a. Batteries b. Solar Panel c. Transformer d. Circuit Breaker 5. Why is there a need to follow safety procedures in working with simple electrical gadgets? a. To maintain the quality of the product. b. To ensure safety of the workspace c. To avoid accident and possible loss of life d. All of the above 6. What do you call an insulated metal thread used to send electricity to an electrical gadget? a. Switch b. Plug c. Socket d. Wire 7. What will cause the light bulb to emit light in an improvised cardboard flashlight? a. The electricity from the electrical source. C. The flow of energy from the battery b. Both a and b is correct. d. Neither a nor b is correct 8. All of the following are safety and healthy practices in making electrical gadgets, except? a. Using tools with properly insulated handles b. Unplug electrical appliance before working on repairs. c. Use extension cords as permanent sockets. d. Wear rubber gloves when working on electrical gadgets