
what is Gratitude as a Learning Strategy?

Sagot :


The instructions are simple: At least every other day, take 5-10 minutes to write down at least 3 things you are grateful for, including why you are grateful for each thing. Be specific, going for depth over breadth. It's not just a list; it's a an opportunity for reflecting on and savoring the gifts you've been given.


Gratitude is the thankful appreciation for what we have in our lives, both the tangible and intangible. With gratitude, we acknowledge the goodness all around us. In our classrooms, even simple acts of gratitude and appreciation can transform classroom relationships and boost student self-worth. There are even greater benefits when we take the time each week to acknowledge and share our gratitude with others. Jeanie Iberlin, author of Cultivating Mindfulness in the Classroom, encourages teachers to make gratitude activities a part of their weekly routines: “regularly practicing gratitude increases one’s happiness and general satisfaction with life. It also tends to make people more optimistic about the future and even helps them sleep better.”


When we practice gratitude with our students, we help them grow socially and emotionally. They are more likely to see the good in themselves and in others. Encouraging students to express their appreciation for others can truly shift the climate of an entire school and strengthen the bonds between teachers, students, and the community. During the holiday season, classroom activities that focus on gratitude and appreciation can have additional.

Hope it's help:)