
1.Which of the following is NOT a denity-dependent miting factor

a typhoon bemoration

c competition

a scarcity of resources

2. Which of the following NOT a dersity-independent limiting factor

a typhoon

c. Booding

D earthquake

a scoscity of resources

3A person breeds guinea pigs in a cogs Aller a few generations, the breeder observes that st guinea pign are mom aggressive towardh each other, the young ore less healthy and more young guinea pigs de what do you think wit happen to the population of the gunea pig

a The peculation will increase

b the population will decrease

c the population is not affected

d the population remain the same

4. Which of the following it an example of an organem with Aesthetic Economic valueC

A botanical Garden b A cow that provides milk for dory produch

C that give off cxygen and freshens the air

d A tree that provides lumber for building houses

5. This is an caganers role in the environment​