I. Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the letter that corresponds to your answer. 1. It is defined as a push or pull that starts, stops or changes the direction of a moving object. A. Motion B. Force C. Energy D. Food 2. It is a force that opposes motion between two surfaces sticking or touching together. A. Gravity B. Electrical C. Friction D. Magnetic 3. Which has the greatest frictional force among these surfaces? A. Polished floor B. Tiled floor C. Wet floor D. Sandy floor 4. Friction is a force that opposes motion. It acts in the direction of a moving object. A. same B. opposite C. upward D. downward 5. Which of the following statements best describes friction? A. It is a force that occurs when surfaces touch each other. B. It is a force that occurs in smooth surfaces. C. It is a force that occurs between solids and liquids.