IDENTIFICATION. Write the answer after each statement 1. It is the hormone that helps develop the fetus 2. Hormone that stimulates milk production 3. Division of the peripheral nervous system that initiates "rest and digest" response. 4 Endocrine organ that produces insulin. 5 Hormone that stimulates appetite 6. Another name for nerve cells 7. Gland that secretes hormones which initiate "fight or flight response 8. Single, long process of a nerve cell 9. Largest part of the brain 10. Protective covering of the central nervous system 11. Suspended pouch where the testes are located 12. Passageway for both urine and semen 13 Shedding of the lining of the uterus 14. Site of embryo implantation 15. Male gonads 16. Mixture of sperm and secretions 17. Gland that produces fluid to neutralize acidity 18. Female gonad 19. Also called the male gametes 20. Opening of the uterus