
Activity 1.1 - Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

1. It is the small appliance used to remove wrinkles from fabric.
a. pin cushion
b. flat iron
c. needle
d. thimble

2. It is used in connecting or shaping slightly curve points.
a. ruler
b. French curve
c. hip curve
d. tape measure

3. It is 7- 8 inches long scissors suitable for cutting fabric because the blades rest flat on the cutting surface.
a. bent-handled shears
b. pinking shears
c. trimming scissors
d. embroidery scissors

4. A handy little spring-loaded cutting tool that are specifically used to snip threads and they are not designed to cut fabric.
a. seam ripper
b. fabric
c. tracing wheel
d. thread clippers

5. It is used for marking hemlines and checking grain lines when laying out the pattern.
a. yard stick
b. tape measure
c. ruler
d. L square

6. A specially waxed carbon paper that transfers the tracing wheel 's markings to the fabric.
a. tailor's chalk
b. wax chalk
c. chalk pencil
d. dressmaker's carbon paper

7. A flexible measuring device used in taking body measurements.
a. yard stick
b. tape measure
c. ruler
d. L square

8. It aids in putting the thread to the needle.
a. sewing needle threader
b. thimble
c. ruler
d. pin cushion

9. It is a small, portable, foldable table with a heat resistant surface.
a. flat iron
b. sewing machine
c. ironing board
d. hem gauge

10. Itis used to transfer measurements to the draft pattern. It has perfect squares and is useful in making straight lines and numbers.
a. yard stick
b. tape measure
c. ruler
d. L square

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