
MATCHING TYPE. Match the phrase in column A with the concept it describes in Column B. Write the letter of your answer on the line before each number. a. Cinder cone b. Climate c. Composite d. Constellation e Global warming f. Phreatic 9. Polaris h. Shield i. Tsunamis J. Weather 11. Volcanoes formed by fluid basaltic lava flows, which make them slightly domed 12. Volcanoes formed from ejected lava fragments and are usually about 300 meters high 13. The water waves generated by a sudden displacement of water during a volcanic eruption 14. Volcanoes formed when viscous lava of andesitic composition flows out over a long period 15. A type of volcanic eruption driven by steam produced when groundwater is heated by ascending magma 16. Changes in the condition of the atmosphere that can be observed on a daily or hourly basis 17. The general prevailing condition of the atmosphere of an area over a long period of time 18. A phenomenon characterized by a global increase in temperature due to high amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere 19. The star that lies almost directly above the Earth's North Pole 20. The pattern formed by a group of stars in the isky​