Sagot :
There are a lot of importance of cultural heritage to our locality and to generations. Below are the importance of cultural heritage to our locality and to generations:
1. It provides revenues, where the nation or the government earns through tourism - by visiting our cultural heritage.
2. It preserves our local values, beliefs, culture and local people's identity.
3. It promotes the our nationality.
4. It preserves our local history and help new generations to remember how we came up with different identity as a nation to compare to other country.
5. It signifies how we are similar and/or different to other countries.
There are two types of cultural heritage. Let me explain the two types and the importance of cultural heritage to our locality and to generations.
The first type of cultural heritage is called tangible cultural heritage. These are the objects, artifacts, buildings, places and monuments that are present in our locality. The importance of these tangible cultural heritage are;
(1) it preserves our history,
(2) it promotes nationality and,
(3) it helps generations to preserve artifacts, thereby generating better tourism.
Here are the examples of tangible cultural heritage in the Philippines:
(1) Tubbatha Reefs Natural Park and Subterranean River in Palawan,
(2) Rice Terraces in Cordillera Mountain Provices,
(3) Historic City of Vigan.
The second type of cultural heritage is called intangible cultural heritage. These are traditions, beliefs and expressions inherited from our ancestors and which are passed and preserved as new generations emerge. The importance of the intangible cultural heritage are;
(1) it signifies how our culture is similar and/or different to other countries,
(2) it promotes our nationality, local values, beliefs and cultures.
These are the example of intangible cultural heritage in the Philippines:
(1) using "po" and "opo" which came from our local language/dialect - Tagalog.
(2) the tradition called "bayanihan", where people in barangays helps to migrate a "kubo" to other locations in the area of barangay's locality.
(3) hospitality, where a new visitor is always welcome to a house.
Those are examples and importance of cultural heritage in our locality that is being passed and preserved on to generations.

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