
ang dating doh secretary na nagpatupad ng Alis disease program​

Sagot :

From the Department of Health

The Department of Health mourns the death of former Secretary Juan Martin Flavier who succumbed to multi-organ failure and sepsis last October 30, 2014, at the National Kidney Transplant Institute due to complications from pneumonia.

Dr. Flavier was appointed Health Secretary in 1992 by then-President Fidel V. Ramos and easily won the hearts of many with his injected wit and humor in promoting and implementing health programs and advocacies. Among his health programs were Oplan Alis Disease (massive immunization campaign against polio); Yosi Kadiri (anti-tobacco campaign), and Doctors to the Barrio (DTTB), which deploys graduates of medical schools to poor remote barangays.

“Let’s DOH It” which became a household phrase during his stint as Health Secretary also endeared him to the people, getting him elected as Senator twice, in 1995 and 2001.

Acting Secretary Janette Loreto-Garin paid tribute to Dr. Flavier’s achievements. “Former Senator Flavier will always be remembered for bringing the Department of Health closer to our people through his innovative health campaigns and advocacies. He was our public health champion”, Garin said.

The Philippine flag will be hoisted at half-mast in all DOH offices nationwide on the day of his interment as a sign of mourning and respect.

“His legacy serves as an inspiration for us in the DOH to continue his pioneering public health programs,” Garin concluded.