REBECCAALONZO26IN REBECCAALONZO26IN Science Answered 12. The Universe was colder 13.8 billion years ago. a. True b. False 13. The higher the energy of the particles in an object are the higher the temperature that object will be. a. True b. False 14. Mass can be converted into energy. a. True b. False 15. Niels Bohr's atomic model is basically considered as a primitive Hydrogen atom model. a. True b. False16. John Dalton discovered the electron and suggested the Plum Pudding' Model of atom. a. True b. False 17. How is the energy of star produced? a. By Combustion b. By Decomposition c. By Nuclear Fission d. By Nuclear Fusion 18. He noticed that shooting electrons at elements caused them to release x-rays at unique frequencies. a. Mendeleev b. Millikan c. Moseley d. Segre 19. It was created by bombardment of Molybdenum by deuterons by Emilio Segre and Carlo Perrier in 1937. a. Oxygen b. Technetium c. Helium d. Uranium 20. He created the classification of elements based on their atomic weight. a. Rutherford b. Dalton c. Millikan d. Mendeleev