
A. Directions: If an underlined word contains an error, write the word in the blank to the left in its corrected form.
1. A vice-president of Stevens and company spoke at the banquet.
2. All women owe Susan b. Anthony a debt of gratitude.
3. Many people spell the closing for a letter, "Truly Yours," incorrectly.
4. A belief in god is a common bond among all Christians.
5. He promised her the sun, the Moon and the stars if she would marry him.
6. Sometimes i just want to curl up with a good book, a Hershey bar, and relax.
7. I didn't realize your sister had earned a Ph.D. in art History from the University of Oregon
8. My mother's favorite drink is a pepsi with a twist of lemon.
9. Sam Stump is the new manager of the Lloyd Center nordstrom store.
10. The letter began, "Dear sir:" so I knew it had to be a business letter.
11. The last Explorer spaceship that we sent into space sent back wonderful pictures of venus and Mars
12. "Sometimes i just don't know if I'm coming or going," the confused patient responded
13. We celebrate Christmas because it is the birth of christ, a significant event in the history of mankind.
14. Dr. Smith's elderly patients prefer to be addressed as Mr. or mrs. rather than by their first names .
15. Professor Biggs explained that the planet with several rings is called saturn.​