
Imagine that you are a detective and you will look for e evidence on the crime scene. Supply the possible evidence to solve the problem. Situation : 1.A rape case Possible evidence : 1 medical eaxamination /victim injuries 2.toxicology report 2carnapping case Possible evidence : 1.Body building 2.dismantling​

Sagot :


Topic 1: Note Taking

Although other documents will be created by the investigator to manage the crime scene, no other document will be as important to the investigator as the notebook. The notebook is the investigator’s personal reference for recording the investigation.
Many variations of police notebooks have emerged over the years. The court will sometimes even accept police notes that have been made on a scrap of paper if that was the only paper available at the time. However, beyond extreme circumstances, in operational investigations, the accepted parameters of a police notes and notebooks are:

  • A book with a cover page that shows the investigators name, the date the notebook was started, and the date the notebook was concluded
  • Sequential page numbers
  • A bound booklet from which pages cannot be torn without detection
  • Lined pages that allow for neat scripting of notes
  • Each entry into the notebook should start with a time, date, and case reference
  • Blank spaces on pages should not be left between entries and, if a blank space is left, it should be filled with a single line drawn through the space or a diagonal line drawn across a page or partial page space.

    Any errors made in the notebook should only be crossed out with a single line drawn through the error, and this should not be done in a manner that makes the error illegible

1.Note taking

2.Securing a crime scene

3.Evidence management

4.Scaling the investigation to the event