DIRECTIONS: Identify what is being describe in each number, Choose your answer inside the box. Write your answer on the space provided. 11. It is a short, sharp, concise document which is written for a particular purpose and audience. 12. It is the part of a report where all the sources that have been referred should be listed alphabetically. 13. It helps the readers to understand clearly the ideas presented in the report. 14. Helps the reader to remain focused and headed in the right direction, 15. It is the use of matching words, phrases, clauses or sentence structures to express similar ideas, 16. It is used to link or connect sentences by referring to the preceding nouns and pronouns, 17. The part of the report that are divided into sections. 18. It is the way a person sees things, understands issues or comprehends ideas form his / her point of view or perspective. 19. This can be viewed by people from different perspectives. 20. It is the part where the topic is being introduced. TITLE REPORT INTRODUCTION VIEWPOINT COHERENCE COHERENT REPORT REFERENCES BODY REPITITION PARALLELISM SYNONYMS PRONOUNS TRANSITIONAL WORDS CONCLUSION ISSUES