Read the selection below, then transcode its information to a non-linear text by creating a story map.
Why there is High Tide during a Full Moon
Long, long ago only gods lived in this world, the earth, seas, and sky were ruled by three
different powerful gods. The sun god, who ruled the sky, had a very beautiful daughter,
Luna, the moon. Luna enjoyed going around the heavens in her golden chariot. One
day she found herself taking another path which led her outside her kingdom. She
wandered on until she reached the place where the sky met the sea. Beautiful and
unusual sights greeted her eyes. As she was admiring the beautiful things around, a
voice startled her. It asked, "Where has thou come from, most beautiful one?"
Turning around she saw a young man who looked much like her father though
fairer. She wanted to run away, but when she looked at him again, she saw that he was
smiling at her. Taking courage she answered, "I am Luna, daughter of the sun god."
The young man smiled at her and answered, "I am Mar, the son of the sea
god. Welcome to our kingdom." Soon the two became good friends. They had many
interesting stories to tell each other. When it was time for Luna to go, they promised to
see each other as often as they could, for they have many more tales to tell. They
continued meeting at the same spot until they realized that they were in love with each
One day after one of their secret meetings, Luna went back to the heavens full of
joy. She was so happy that she told her secret to one of her cousins. The cousin,
jealous of her beauty and her happiness, reported the relationship to the sun god. The
sun god was angered at his daughter's disobedience to the immortal laws. He shut her
in their garden and did not allow her to get out. Then he sent a messenger to the sea
god informing him that his son Mar disobeyed the immortal law. The sea god, who was
also angered by his son's disobedience, imprisoned him in one of his sea caves.
Luna stayed in the garden for some time. She was very sad at not being able to see
Mar. She longed to be with him again. Feeling very restless one day, she escaped from
the garden. She took her golden chariot and rushed to their meeting place. Mar, who
was imprisoned in the sea cave, saw her reflection on the water. He wanted to get out to
meet her. He tried hard to get out of his cave causing unrest in the sea. Luna waited for
Mar to appear, but he did not come. Then she went back home very sad. Each time
she remembered Mar, she would rush out in the golden chariot to the meeting place in
hopes of seeing him again.
The fishermen out in the sea believe that each time Luna, the moon, appears, the sea
gets troubled. "It is Mar trying to escape from his cave," they say.