Write sentences stating facts and opinion about Covid 19

1. COVID - 19 is a contagious disease that took many lives.
2. COVID - 19 had evolved many times from the original virus to delta, and then omicron variant.
1. COVID vaccines will only cause negative effects to people.
2. the virus is not as deadly as people think it is.
1.Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses with 4 human viruses causing mild colds in all age groups.
2.Anyone can get COVID-19, regardless of how much money they have. COVID-19 has affected people from all over the world, including people of all backgrounds, races, ages and financial statuses.
3.Most people who get COVID-19 will have a mild form of the illness and will be able to recover at home, without needing hospital treatment. Stay home and call your local health authority for advice if you have any symptoms of COVID-19. If you have difficulty breathing, persistent pain in your chest or loss of speech or mobility, call your health provider straight away.