Sagot :
Empathy Skills
T introduces another important component of active listening: empathy.
T asks the Sts to define “empathy.” As Sts call out answers, T leads
responses towards the following definition and writes it on the board.
Empathy is the ability to recognize and understand the emotions, beliefs, moods
and desires of another person. Empathy is often characterized as the ability to
“put oneself into another’s shoes.”
T elicits from Sts the reasons why it would be important for hotel
workers to have empathy. Some examples might be as follows:
1. Listening empathetically makes people feel as if they are truly being heard and
that their needs will be taken care of.
2. Listening with empathy gives guests a positive experience of the hotel and of you
as a worker. Guests will always remember the worker who truly listened and
cared about their problem, as opposed to the worker who offers a quick solution.
3. When you acknowledge how people are feeling, you reassure them that they are
understood. “I understand that you must be tired after your long flight. I’ll get
your room number right away.” Or “I would be upset also if the airline lost my
4. Empathy improves communication and strengthens relationships.
5. Empathy helps to establish trust.
6. Empathy and trust are essential to developing solutions, winning and retaining
business, and avoiding or defusing conflict.
Activity 2: Showing Empathy
T breaks Sts into groups of three and has each group
pa brainliest nalang po tnx