
Multiple Choices
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Diseases that are transmissible from one host, (person, animal or other objects) to one another.

A. Communicable
B. Non-communicable
C. Pathogens
D. Infectious

2. It is an organism that causes disease to its host; also known as infectious/ disease agent.

A. Communicable
B. Non-communicable
C. Pathogens
D. Infectious

3. A single-celled organisms that are larger than bacteria and have a more complex structure.

A. Virus
B. Protozoa
C. Fungi
D. Parasite

4. It is also called seatworms and threadworms, it hatch and live primarily in the intestines.

A. Pinworm
B. Trichina Spiralis
C. Tape worm
D. Flukes

5. They are organisms that are considered intermediate, that is somewhere between a virus and a bacterium.

A. Bacteria
B. Virus
C. Fungi
D. Rickettsiae

6. These microorganisms are the human body’s worst enemies.

A. Bacteria
B. Virus
C. Fungi
D. Rickettsiae

7. It is also called helminths live in humans.

A. Virus
B. Bacteria
C. Parasitic worms
D. Fungi

8. These are organisms that cannot make their own food.

A. Virus
B. Bacteria
C. Parasitic worms
D. Fungi

9. A one-celled microscopic organisms that rank among the most widespread of living things.

A. Bacteria
B. Virus
C. Fungi
D. Rickettsiae

10. A bacteria that lives in the human mouth, intestines and skin that helps us protect from harmful bacteria.

A. Toxin
B. Resident
C. Saprophyte
D. Virus