7. Which of the following areas CANNOT apply the skill of evaluating differing viewpoints? a. research paper c. examine social and political issues b. resolve controversy d. compute mathematical problem C. 8. Which of the following sentences is NOT a view point? a. The use of social media like messenger as a source of information in learning. ome b. Not all learners have gadgets to access information using the messenger. rotoes bns abso It made the learners exposed in the radiation. eursnia anons d. Easy to access information for learning. BOITORIO vonald er no 9. Why does evaluating differing view point is essential in critical thinking skill? a. resolves controversy b. helps to read with comprehension a onsive c. enables you to analyze divergent ideas d. can integrate differing and contradictory sources 10. Which of the following statements is NOT viewpoint of the given issue below? Observing health protocols to fight covid-19 pandemic a. This will lead the people in the community avoid the transmission of the virus. b. It challenges a learner to study harder and read more to complete it. c. Additional expenses for the family because of buying some alcohol and face mask d. these are precautionary measures that help people to avoid having the virus.