Directions: Read through each scenario. Then, write which laboratory safety rule was not followed. 1. Mike and Colleen had a lot of a chemical left from their investigation. They dumped the chemical in the sink and left the class. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Brent is in the first period, and he skipped breakfast today. He decides to have a bagel in his backpack, and he will eat it during class when the teacher is not looking. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Rachel wants to look as pretty as possible all the time, and so there is no way she will be caught wearing these nerdy protective eye goggles. She continues through her lab without any problems until Joel accidentally knocks into her table. He knocks over a beaker of boiling chemical, and it splashes into Rachel’s eye. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Students are experimenting to see what colors different salts turn when they are burned. Jack dares Rebecca to taste the other salts to see if they taste like regular table salt. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Heather and Jennifer were absent the day before when the investigation was discussed. They gathered the materials and watched their classmates see what to do, not taking the time to read the directions. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________​