
6. Which among these materials is NOT a good reflector of light?
A mirror
C wall
D. shiny car
7. Which situation shows an application of the reflection of light?
A. reddish-orange sunset
B. seeing yourself on the surface of a calm water
C. formation of rainbow
D. appearing shorter
8.when in the pool as seen by a person outside the pool In which of the following is light refracted?
A. light coming from the headlights of a car
B. sunlight reaching your bed through the window
C. light from a flashlight striking a mirror D. all of these options
9.How can the pitch of a guitar be made higher?
A using a clip to strum it
B. strumming as hard as you can
C. loosening the tension on the attachment of the string
D. pressing one end of the guitar to decrease the length ​