
Image like to Sound energy from vibratioris of guitar strings Light and sleg energy from SUI) Flectricity runs these appliances (electric fan, television, and radio) Heat energy produced by burning woods Look at the illustration of an atom below. Name the different particles found in the atom. The two particles of an atom found in the center of it are (1) and (2) ________ . While the particle (3) constantly spins around the center of an atom is called (4) Electricity is produced whenever electrons move from one atom to another. When objects are rubbed against each other, the electrons of their atoms have the tendency to move from one atom to another. How electrons move depends on the electron attraction of the atoms. Some objects like metals share electrone asily while some like plastic and rubber do not. Objects that share ele asily are conductors and those thai do not share electrons e sulators. Materials that may or may not share electrons o miconductors. Semiconductors are often used in electronics.​