
b.Give 10 body parts of animals that are used for getting and eating food

Sagot :


  • GIRAFFE.use smooth & flat teeth to eat leaves and stem
  • SQUIRREL. grasp nuts with their frint paws and crack the nuts open with their teeth.
  • BIRDS. use their beaks to pick up grain.
  • HAWK & EAGLES.use their hooked beaks and hooked claws to catch fish and tear it into small pieces
  • DOGS , CATS.use long and sharp teeth to tear food into small pieces
  • HORSES, CARABAO.Big flat teeth to cut and chew grass
  • ANTS, FLIES,BEES.use mouth which are good for biting
  • BUTTERFLY.use his PROBOSCIS to sip nectar from flowers.
  • MOSQUITO.also has proboscis, which its uses in sipping fluid from leaves, soft stems and fruits.His proboscis coil up when not in use.
  • SPIDER.spin webs to catch insects flying in the air. But some spider do not spin webs. They wait in flowers, when an insect comes close to the spider, it will bite the insect with its poisonous fangts.
