
FACT or BLUFF: Read and analyze the following statement regarding with the different team sports. If the statement is TRUE write FACT and If the statement is FALSE write BLUFF.
1. Team sport is played between two competitive teams each with two or more players.
2. In Basketball the defensive players are the one who dribble the ball while playing
3. Volleyball is played using the rally scoring system that assign a point to whichever teams wins every single rally. 4. In Baseball softball players used net while playing the game in the playing field.
5. James Naismith is the invent and design the rules in the game baseball. 6. Pitching is the skill in Baseball where players catch the ball during the game 7. Fielding team in Baseball are players that holds the bat while playing
8. Double dribble is a violation in dribbling in Basketball
9. Libero is a player on each team who serves as a defensive specialist in baseball
10. The umpire or referee enforce the rules and regulation to maintain order in the game.​