
Jupiter Drug Do You Want to Know a fecret?

Mr Den Duindao has been working with Jupiter Krug for the past five years. He was promoted as supervisor three months ago. Jupiter Drug is currently maintaining a branch each in the towns in the province of Tarlac. The towns are Tarlac City, Caming, Moncada, Paniqul, and Concepcion. The sole owner of Jupiter Drug is Mr Devero Lagayans and he is worried about how to meet the growing competition among drugstores in the province Tarfac. His business is in its 13th year and he is not satished with what is currently happening the firm. He thinks Jupiter Drug is not growing as tast as it should He st remembers well how he established one branch after another every two years. The tith branch was established three years ago but still he could not put up a sith branch. He blames poor sales for his predicament Mr. Lagayan was a supervisor of a local branch of the Development Bank of the Philippines. He resigned to engage in an entrepreneural career in the drugstore business. He is a long-time member of the local council of the Knights of Columbus On several occasions, he rejected nomination for the highest office of the said council. He does not take much, but when coes, some people are perplexed Mr. Lagayan was fortunate because his business tourshed during the first 10 years. On the 11th year, however, total sales for his tive outlets appeared to have reached its peak Sales decreased by 5% on the 12th year. Mr. Lagayan thinks that the decrease is targely due to the recent entry of competitors within his service area One day, he called the managers and supervisors of the tive branche to a meeting to discuss the problem of declining sales. He aslad opinions from the participants but nobody cared to say anything except Detfin who was visibly eager to share an idea He raised his hand and was acknowledged but before Delfin could say anything, Mr. Lagayan made a remark I don't think, as a supervisor, you can be of much help. Please take your seat Delfie was surprised and he could not believe what he just heard He was thinking of sharing some ideam that may be of help to Jupiter Drug

Guide Questions
1. What is your comment regarding Mr. Lagayany's remarks?
2. What do you suggest?​