
What is Degrees and Order of Adjectives?

Sagot :


Adjectives are used to describe, identify, modify or quantify nouns or pronouns. The three degrees of adjectives are positive, comparative and superlative. The comparative and superlative degrees are used to compare between two or more subjects or objects.



Adjectives are used to describe, identify, modify or quantify nouns or pronouns. ... The three degrees of adjectives are positive, comparative and superlative. The comparative and superlative degrees are used to compare between two or more subjects or objects.

What is degree of adjective with example?

In the above examples, hot, old, beautiful, white, intelligent are adjectives because they modify (give more information about) the attached nouns. Every adjective has its three degrees.


Degrees of Adjective.

Positive Comparative Superlative

Bad Worse Worst

Many More Most

Little Less Least

Attractive More attractive Most attractive