
Activity 1: Am I APA or MLA? Directions: Identify the appropriate documentation for the APA or MLA format. Write APA or MLA on the space provided before each number. Book by one author: 1. Friedman, Alice T. Women and the Making of the Modem House. New Haven: Yale UP, 2007. Print. 2. Ball, E. (2000). Slaves in the family. Urbana, IL: Southern Illinois Press Book by multiple authors: 3. North, Stephen M., et al. Refiguring the Ph. D. in English Studies Urbana: NCTE, 2000. Print 4. Hardt, M., & Negri, A. (2000). Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press Chapter in an edited collection 5. McCracken, James L. "Northern Ireland, 1921-66." The Course of Irish History. Ed Thomas W. Moody and Frank X. Martin. Niwot: Roberts Rinehart, 1995. 313-324 Print. 6. McCracken, J.L. (1995). Northern Ireland, 1921-56. In T. W. Moody & F. W Martin (Eds.). The course of Irish history (pp. 313-324). Niwot, CO: Roberts Rinehart​