
Write what you did with family and what you do during typhoon and how you help your family?

Sagot :

Preparing your family

Here are some simple and important things you can do with your family:

  • Talk to your children about disasters that might happen—and what they should do.

  • Know where to get reliable news and information about weather and disasters. Arrange a few different ways to receive alerts, such as texts.

  • Teach children the basics about what to do in a fire, such as getting low to avoid smoke or feeling doorknobs for heat before opening them. Have a fire escape plan.

  • If you live in an area affected by hurricanes , tornadoes, wildfires or earthquakes, talk with children about how to recognize the signs and where they should go.

  • Make sure children know how to call 911 and can give their name and address. Even very young children can learn this.

  • Decide on a person (preferably not a local person who might be affected by the same disaster) that everyone can contact if you are separated.

  • Have a meeting place outside the house where family members can go if you are separated and can't reach each other.

  • Practice! That is the best way to be sure the information sticks. Have fire drills and drills for other possible disasters where you live. If you have young children, try making it a game—they will be less scared and more willing to practice regularly.

  • Plan for where you would go if you had to evacuate. If you have pets, make sure the place you are going will accept them.

  • If you plan to purchase a generator for extended power outages after disasters, be sure to learn about steps to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning

Hope it's help