
3. Below are the three
periods of Western Music History EXCEPT
Baroque Period
c. Medieval Period
b. Pre-historic Period
d. Renaissance Period
4. A large instrumental ensembles typical of classical music which combines instruments
from strings, winds and percussion.
Concerto grotto
c. Opera
b. Concerto
d. Orchestra
5. Classical composer who was recognized as an exceptional pianist at the age of six and was
able to compose excellent music at the age of seven.
Ludwig Van Beethoven
c. Franz Joseph Haydn
b. Johann Sebastian Bach
d. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
6. He was a philosopher whose language was music, a pure product of the Enlightenment who
believed the world could be healed through its power.
Ludwig Van Beethoven
c. Franz Joseph Haydn
b. Johann Sebastian Bach
d. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
7. Below are characteristics of Classical music EXCEPT
a. Use of Neume notation.
c. Harmony and texture is homophonic.
b. Has a lighter clearer texture.
d. Dynamics is loud and soft.
8. Musical texture of a Classical Era music with simpler melodies supported by subordinate
harmonies and more significant uses of chords.
Monophonic b. Polyphonic
c. Homophonic
d. Uniphonic
9. The title of the movie that features Franz Joseph Haydn composition Piano Sonata No. 47 in
B Minor,
a. Spiderman 2 b. Bird Box
c. Harry Potter
d. The Malificent
10. He was considered as the "Father of Symphony and the “Father of the String Quartet”.
a. Ludwig Van Beethoven
c. Franz Joseph Haydn
a. Johann Sebastian Bach
d. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Sagot :


3. C- Medieval Period
4. D- Orchestra
5. C- Franz Joseph Haydn
6. D- WolfGang Amadeus Mozart
7. A- Use of Neume notation
8. C- Homophonic
9. B- Bird Box
10. C-Franz Joseph Haydn


That's all Thank me later <3