
1. IDENTIFICATION: Underline the conjunctions (Coordinating, Co-relative, Subordinating) 1. Either Elizabeth or Susan would make a good president 2. Janet will never agree to that plan, nor will she support any one who does 3 The visiting team played hard and well. 4. Neither the tomatoes nor the peppers are ripe yet 5. Both and Jennifer are working in the ticket committee. 6. The runner was exhausted but happy 7. You must either leave for the movies immediately or forget about going 8. Sandy ate not only for our dinner but also mine. 9. Would you rather have a hotdog or a hamburger 10. She wear a simple yet elegant dress. 11. My sister and brother ran the program 12. The dog barked but wagged its tail. 13. Put the packages on the table or in the closet 14. As the rain ended, a rainbow appear. 15. I go to the museums whenever I get a chance​