ANGELAUXTERO22IN ANGELAUXTERO22IN Art Answered COLUMN A1. It is essentially computer-generated or manipulated. 2. Means of generating an original image using electronic technology 3. A method of creating an art work using a computer 4. A fast and fun way to share images with others. 5. An application that enhance photos. 6. Refers to distance of areas within component of a piece. 7. A process of cutting or removing the outside areas of an image 8. A computer app used in image generation and manipulation 9. A creative device that allows to generate original works of arts from entire range of purposes. 10. Android phones that allows you to make collage out of images COLUMN BA.DigitalB.SnapseedC.Tecnology-Based ArtD.Digital PhotographyE.InstagramF.CroppingG.Mobile PhoneH.Adobe LightroomI.SpaceJ.Photo Grid​