LAKHESISSSIN LAKHESISSSIN English Answered COLUMN A_______1. The lord asked his knave to prepare his swords and armour for the upcoming battle._______2. The movie was banned in most cities because of its extreme violence and profane language. _______3. She joined the noisy revellers as they marched down Park Avenue._______4. Consuming an entire gallon of ice cream in one sitting is a gross act of gluttony._______5. The night is filled with mirth as young couples danced and laughed under the moonlight._______6. In the olden times, people would go into the apothecary to buy spices and medicine._______7. Beowulf battled the fiend and killed it by tearing off its left arm with his bare hands._______8. The virulent bacteria Klebsilla pneumonia may cause ulcerative colitis. _______9. Odysseus survived the perilous journey back to slay all of his wife’s suitors._______10. The only eternal thing in this life is changed COLUMN Ba. Laughter and happinessb. Extremely poisonous or venomous c. People who engage in merrymaking and wild behaviour d. Permanent e. Young male servant f. In a manner intended to avoid noticeg. Pharmacy h. Excess in eating or drinking i. An evil being j. Vulgar; disrespectfulk. Ancient public market l. Dangerous