
Critical thinking questions of Newtons Laws of Motion
1.which law is associated with inertia
2.If you increase the force on an object what happensto the acceleration?
3.which law states that force is dependent on the mass and acceleration of an object?
4.What causes an object to slow down of speed-up?
5.what law is known as the law of action-reaction
6.which law explains why when you bumb into something you fall backwards
7.If you double the force of an object what happens to the acceleration?
8.If you double the mass of an object what happens to the acceleration?
9.You know the mass of an object and the force applied to the object to make it move. which of newtons law of motion will help you calculate the acceleration of the object?
10.You dribble a basketball while walking on a basketball court. List and describe at least 3 pairs of action-reaction force in this situation