
What is the effect of the colonial mentality of Filipinos on their choices of brand?

Sagot :


The colonial mentality in the country has two dimensions: First, the lack of patriotism or active awareness, appreciation and love of the Philippines; second, an actual preference over imported things. Filipinos tend to have lasting loyalties to the brands they use but this loyalty can be considered both positive or negative.



While it may be true that colonial mentality still riddles the decision of may Filipinos in choosing clothes, shoes, watches and other trivial items, like Versace, Ves Saint Laurent, Francois Girbaud, Gucci, Moncler, Lee, Nike, Adidas, Philip Morris, Marlboro, Rolex, HP, McDonalds, Carrier, Ford, Mercedes, Harley Davidson, BMW, Porsche, et cetera,. We perceived these items more of a “status symbol” besides being a side effect of colonial mentality.

We buy them out of a belief in high quality (which is equated at a higher price ) and durability not to mention the “feeling” it brings to its consumer.

There is also the reason that some Filipinos have the ugly habit of “making fun” , ”looking down upon” and even making a content of gossip of the subject on purely on his or her looks. Also this is besides the consciousness of some Filipinos on “how they look” to avoid being ridiculed by some narrow minded people.

So called in Filipinos are people like “Pintaseras/pintaseros” (faultfinders), “tsismackers” (gossips) and “matapobres” (people who think highly of themselves and looks down upon people who are not in their class). You might say these people are the most affected groups.

Still, some people are described as non of the above. They just buy these things with a goal of personal pleasure and enjoyment and offend no one.. It just makes them feel good and accomplished.
