
1. It is a communication that is used primarily to influence an audience and agenda.
a. technique
b. propaganda
c. communication
d. devices
2. This device is used extensively by politicians. The politicians professes that he is just like others, with their common virtues and vices.
a. plain-folks
b. name-calling
c. propaganda
d. bandwagon
3. It uses words of an expert or a famous person to promote a particular idea.
a. bandwagon
b. card stacking
c. testimonial
d. plain-folks
4. It aims at persuading people to do a certain thing because many other people are doing it.
a. testimonial
b. bandwagon
c. card stacking
d. propaganda
5. This device requires skill and ingenuity. It uses stats to portray that the product is healthier than other.
a. card stacking
b. testimonial
c. transfer
d. propaganda
6. This technique consists in giving a bad name to a product, person, an idea or an event.
a. name-calling
b. card stacking
c. testimonials
d. plain-folks
7. Under this technique the propagandist uses some attractive words or ideas which mislead the people.
a. testimonial
b. plain-folks
c. bandwagon
d. glittering generalities
8. In this technique, qualities of a well-known person is associated with a product to promote or demote.
a. bandwagon
b. propaganda
c. transfer
d. testimonial
9. It is a favoring one person or side over another.
a. unbiased
b. bias
c. favoritism
d. unprejudiced
10. Showing no prejudice for or against something.
a. bias
b. unbiased
c. fact
d. opinion
11. Famous actress is promoting a popular fast food chain. What type of propaganda techniques is being used in this ad?
a. plain-folks
b. propaganda technique
c. testimonial
d. bandwagon 12. I don’t need your idea, I will go with mine!
a. bias
b. unbias
c. contradict
d. judgmental
13. “Sarah is the best person for the job".
a. fact
b. testimonial
c. bias
d. unbiased
14. Ignorance of the law excuses no one.
a. bias
b. unbiased
c. favoritism
d. opinion
15. If my favorite actor uses this brand, I must be good. I will use it too. What propaganda technique goes with this statement?
a. testimonial
b. transfer
c. propaganda
d. name-calling 16. “Are you sure your shampoo is providing you with shiny hair”?
a. fear
b. plain-folks
c. card stacking
d. bandwagon
17. A famous football player wears branded shoes and so should you!
a. testimonial
b. bias
c. unbiased d. transfer
18. “You will be healthier with Enervon vitamins”. What type of propaganda technique is being used in this ad?
a. glittering generalities b. plain-folks
c. name-calling d. propaganda technique
19. “Nine out of ten Filipinos uses this shampoo. Shouldn’t you? What type of propaganda technique used in this ad?
a. plain-folks
b. bandwagon
c. bias d. unbiased
20. Everyone thinks I’m the best person ever!
a. bias
b. unbiased
c. fair​

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