
in less than 200 words Write a reflection about Traditional literacy​

Sagot :

My background is a traditional literacy as I started with my research papers with arguments and making a point; and the following years with writing an essay or a term paper and other academic formal papers each week; and finally I have learned the truth that I did not love this activity, but it has taught me how to think in an organized manner. But reading taught me how to be a better writer and the amazing part is that technology contributed a major part to hone my reading and writing skills.

I have learned to rely on the Internet for my researches and I knew that I could write creatively, or express my own opinion, in a manner more persuasive than working on it using the traditional literacy methods. Using the computer before was introduced to me as a tool for learning by educational games and computer programs, but as times passed the use of the computer for learning became the available tool for me that have cultivated my love for reading and writing. Blogging is writing which is a fun and great way to encourage creativity without any binding rules for a contemporary student like me that is full of emotions, arguments and ideas that I cannot express in formal academic writing. Integrating new literacy particularly technologically into the classroom is a smart move to implement a positive interaction with much gusto. At first, I thought that this major development would lead to my education’s trend towards reading and writing even less, but the new approach to literacy keeps me happy and comfortable, and even make me do logical and cohesive writing. Blogging is a useful tool for my inability to think critically and write persuasively. I do believe though that there is value in the traditional as well as the new literacy...

Hope it's helps

have a great day!

(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)